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The advancement of robotic-assisted surgical technology has progressed by leaps and bounds in recent years. Medical professionals and patients are in a medical age where surgeries are simpler than ever thanks to these advancements and improvements. At Methodist Charlton Medical Center, our patients can take advantage of robotic surgery procedures for specific health conditions.
Using small incisions ranged between just one and two centimeters wide, intricate surgeries can be completed quickly thanks to state-of-the-art robotic assistance.
Some of the benefits of robotic-assisted surgery include:
Surgeries can be complex and carry risk, even when performed by competent medical professionals. Robotically-assisted procedures positively changed the world of surgery. The surgeons at Methodist Charlton Medical Center often utilize robotics during unique and routine surgeries to maximize patient comfort, minimize any side effects and reduce recovery time.
We perform the following robotic-assisted surgical procedures: