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Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Here for Those requiring Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation supports individuals diagnosed with a heart condition or who have experienced a heart attack, angioplasty, or open-heart surgery.

Our Cardiac Rehabilitation program is accredited by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). AACVPR is dedicated to the professional development of its members through information, networking, and educational opportunities. Central to its mission is the improvement in the quality of life for heart patients and their families.

Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation

If you have a heart condition or have experienced a cardiovascular event, cardiac rehabilitation can help by:

  • Strengthening and conditioning the heart and lungs
  • Controlling weight and lowering total cholesterol levels
  • Understanding medications, the signs and symptoms of heart disease, as well as when to seek medical attention
  • Reducing symptoms and chances of experiencing another cardiac event
  • Achieving an earlier return to work and decreased difficulty with daily activities
  • Developing coping and stress-reduction skills, as well as relaxation and breathing techniques
  • Increasing self-confidence
  • Laying the groundwork for the development of a healthier lifestyle
  • Providing emotional support for the heart patient and his or her family

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Pulmonary Rehabilitation is aimed to help you breathe better.

Our Pulmonary Rehabilitation program is accredited by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). AACVPR is dedicated to the professional development of its members through information, networking and educational opportunities. Central to its mission is the improvement in the quality of life for heart patients and their families.

Benefits of Pulmonary Rehabilitation

If you have a lung condition such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or Interstitial Lung Disease(ILD) pulmonary rehabilitation program can help by:

  • Improving your symptoms to make it easier to do your daily activities
  • Understanding medications, the signs and symptoms of lung disease, as well as when to seek medical attention
  • Developing coping and stress-reduction skills, as well as relaxation and breathing techniques
  • Better overall health and quality of life
  • Increasing self-confidence

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