The national library of Medicine’s free medical info search tool.
MD Consult
A service to which we subscribe which enables users to stay abreast of
recent medical developments. It provides online, SEARCHABLE, access to
(a) the most up-to-date editions of 50 leading medical reference textbooks;
(b) the full text articles of 70 leading medical journals and clinics;
(c) extensive drug information resources; (d) current news in medicine;
(e) clinical topic tours, insights and practice guidelines; (f) patient
information hand-outs; and (g) a CME: continuing medical education center
with which docs can do their needed CME work in 15 medical specialties.
A companion product to MD Consult that is very similar to another vendor’s
product Up To Date. FIRSTConsult provides evidence-based, continuously
updated CLINICAL information in 5 key areas: (a) differential diagnosis,
(b) medical conditions, (c) procedure files, (d) reference centers, and
(e) patient education resources.
How to Access and use MD & FIRSTConsult — Using a Methodist computer:
MD Consult
You will automatically access and be logged in to MD Consult when you either click on the blue MDConsult link above, OR, type www.mdconsult.com into the URL (Address Bar) on your internet, web browser’s screen. No user name or password is necessary.
First Consult can only be accessed THROUGH MD Consult. Enter your search into MD Consult’s search screen, and it will automatically bring up any FIRSTConsult results a long with the results it brings up from MD Consult. You can NOT go to FIRSTConsult directly. You MUST go through MD Consult.
How to Access and use MD & FIRSTConsult — Using a non-Methodist computer:
To set up access for MD / FIRSTConsult from a non-Methodist computer, one must register for this type of access by logging onto MD Consult from a Methodist computer and following these instructions: