Event Details
Spanish Basics
- Categories: In-person Event (see location Info), Methodist Generations
About This Event
- Event Type:Event
- Max Capacity:20
Spanish Basics | Mondays in December, 9 a.m.
Come and learn Spanish at the Generations Center! This class is ideal for those who want to acquire basic Spanish language and communication skills. Registration is limited and required.
In person: Methodist Dallas Medical Center | Methodist Generations Center
Parking: Schenkel Tower Parking Garage located at Beckley Avenue and Methodist Drive
Information shared at this event is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your physician or other health care provider regarding any medical conditions or decisions about medical care.
Methodist Generations generations@mhd.comPreferred
- Price: Free
Registration Instructions:
Registration for ALL in-person events will be available online only and is not required for recurring virtual events on Zoom.