Event Details
Grief Support Group
- Categories: Methodist Generations, Online Event - (online only)

About This Event
- Event Type:Support Group
Meets Second Monday of each month- Grief Support for the loss of a loved one is led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. Join this friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.
Meeting ID: 929 8036 6396
In order to join, participants must complete the Zoom registration form that appears after clicking the meeting link
* Information shared at this event is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your physician or other health care provider regarding any medical conditions or decisions about medical care.
*Texas law prohibits hospitals from practicing medicine. The physicians on the Methodist Health System medical staff are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Methodist Health System or any other affiliated institution.
Methodist Generations generations@mhd.comPreferred
- Price: Free
Registration Instructions:
Sign into https://ZOOM.us/. The meeting ID is listed by each event. If you do not have a computer, call toll-free 1-877-369-0926 or use the call-in number that is assigned to the event that you want to join. When prompted, enter the meeting ID number that is listed next to the name of the event.
ZOOM Meeting ID: 929 8036 6396