Pancreatic Hepatic Biliary Cancer Care
Hepato-pancreato-biliary (HPB) surgery, more commonly known as hepatobiliary
surgery focuses on treating cancer and diseases of the liver, pancreas,
bile duct and gallbladder. Those diagnosed with HPB diseases typically
experience metastatic tumors in these organs or benign diseases such as
cysts, bile duct injuries, gallstones and portal hypertension.
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Conditions we treat:
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
- Metastatic liver cancers (colorectal, neuro-endocrine, etc.)
- Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
- Liver cysts and polycystic disease
- Hemangiomas o Focal nodular hyperplasia
- Hepatic adenoma
- Pancreatic cancer
- Pancreatic neoplasms (IPMN, mucinous cystadenoma)
- Neuroendocrine tumors (insulinoma, carcinoid tumors, glucagonoma, VlPoma, etc)
- Acute and chronic pancreatitis
- Pancreatic cysts and pseudocysts
Biliary System (Bile Ducts and Gallbladder)
- Bile duct cancers (hilarcholangiocarcinoma/Klatskin tumors)
- Bile duct injuries
- Gallbladder cancer
Treatment options for Hepatobiliary diseases:
Surgical treatment options
- Minimally invasive complex procedures
- Open complex procedures
Interventional Radiology
- Chemoembolization (TACE)
- theraspheres (Ytrium-90)
- portal vein embolization
- microwave ablation
- ethanol ablation
Pre and Post operative chemotherapy
Radiation therapy
Why Choose Methodist Richardson for Your Pancreatic/Hepatic/ Biliary Cancer Care
Quality Outcomes for conditions like pancreatic, liver, and esophageal cancer.
Research shows a clear connection between high-volume institutions and
quality outcomes for cancer treatment. Because of the expertise within
our program, we treat more cases of these types of cancer than other medical
centers of our size. Our commitment to advanced techniques provides more
options for complex cases — which ultimately improves the outcomes
for these patients.
Methodist Richardson was the first hospital in the nation to earn The Joint
Commission's Gold Seal of Approval@ for Pancreatic/Hepatic/ Biliary Cancer
- Methodist Richardson was the first hospital in Collin County to perform
a minimally invasive robotic Whipple@ procedure for pancreatic cancer.
- Methodist Richardson's treatment expertise in esophageal, liver, and pancreas
surgery allows us to deliver comprehensive care for complex Gl cancers.
Methodist Richardson participates in advanced clinical research and academic
pursuits through a Fellowship program, which is training specialists from
around the world.
- Methodist Richardson has become a destination facility for patients who
have traveled more than 1500 miles to see specialty Gl surgical specialists.
- Methodist Richardson has used the minimally invasive da Vinci robotic surgical
system in more than 600 gastrointestinal surgeries.
- To demonstrate commitment to the hepatic / pancreatic / biliary (HPB) program,
Methodist Richardson has a dedicated nursing unit and a specially trained
acute care team to care for HPB patients.
- Methodist Richardson performs high volumes of pancreas surgeries, averaging
over 100 per year.
- Methodist Richardson is one of the leading facilities in North Texas in
esophageal resections.
- Methodist Richardson has an established enhanced recovery after surgery
(ERAS) program, which gets patients on their feet within hours of surgery
to encourage the best possible outcome, post procedure.