Many people will experience a sprain or strain at some point in their life. A sprain is an injury to a ligament, which is the tough tissue that connects bones together. A strain is an injury to muscle or tendon. In many cases, these injuries will heal on their own. However, suffering a sprain or strain will increase your risk of a recurring injury. These injuries are most common for athletes and other people who live active lifestyles. If you use the injured area frequently and do not take measures to reduce the strain it experiences, it is likely that another injury will occur.
At Methodist Orthopaedic Surgical Associates, we provide comprehensive care for sprains and strains. We take the time to educate patients about their injury and what they can do to prevent it from re-occurring.
There are different degrees of sprains and strains. The severity of your injury will determine what course of treatment is best for you.
Types of sprains:
Types of strains:
Our orthopaedic specialists can provide the knowledgeable treatment and
care you need after suffering a strain or sprain.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment.