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Been having problems with your knee?

Most people don’t think about the knee until it starts hurting, at which point it’s almost impossible to stop thinking about it. While it may not look like it, the knee is actually one of the largest joints in the body, serving as the connecting point for the thigh bone, shin bone, and the small bones that run between them as well as the kneecap. When the knee is damaged, performing everyday tasks like walking can feel like a struggle.

At Methodist Orthopaedic Surgical Associates, we are here to help when knee pain occurs. Our team offers a wide array of traditional and minimally invasive surgeries.

Our knee surgeries include:

  • Unicompartmental Knee Replacement
  • Tricompartmental Knee Replacement
  • Revision Knee Replacement
  • Osteotomy

If you require surgery to treat a knee problem, our team will walk you through every step of the process. Our team is committed to equipping patients with the tools they need to make a holistic recovery.

Preventing Knee Pain

Much of the joint problems we face are due to wear and tear from aging. Taking care of your knees can help you prevent problems later on. Even if you already have knee problems, taking measures now to keep your knees in good shape can slow down the progression of the problem.

Tips for keeping knees in good shape:

  • Wear supportive shoes – The importance of good footwear is often understated. Wearing shoes that don’t offer arch support can cause far-reaching consequences throughout the leg and spine. Ask your doctor or podiatrist about recommendations for appropriate footwear. Shoes with a rubber, non-slip sole are a good start.
  • Exercise carefully – Exercising is a great way to keep your muscles and joints in good shape, but they can also put added stress on your joints. Running can put major strain on your knees, as can many leg exercises. Ask your doctor for recommendations on exercises that will be safe for your knees.
  • Stretch – Stretching, especially before and after exercising, helps keep your muscles and joints flexible. This is an easy way to help your knees that many people overlook.

If you start to experience knee pain, talk to your doctor if it doesn’t go away within a few days. In the early stages, knee pain can usually be treated with simple, noninvasive treatments like medication or a new exercise routine.