Methodist Patient-Centered Accountable Care Organization (MPCACO)
1441 N. Beckley
Dallas, TX 75203
Shannon Huggins
Corporation formed with sole member as Methodist Hospitals of Dallas d/b/a Methodist Health System, a Texas non-profit corporation
On July 1, 2012 Methodist Patient Centered ACO (MPCACO) was selected to participate in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (Shared Savings Program) Accountable Care Organization (ACO), a multifaceted new program sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Over 700 physicians are partnering in the Methodist Patient Centered ACO. See the ACO Governing Structure.
Through the Shared Savings Program, Methodist Patient Centered ACO is working with CMS to provide Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries with high quality service and care, while reducing the growth in Medicare expenditures through enhanced care coordination.
The Shared Savings Program will reward ACOs that lower their growth in
health care costs while meeting performance standards on quality of care
and putting patients first. The aggregate amount of savings to-date and
distribution of savings is as follows:
Contact Information
To contact the ACO, please email MethodistACO@mhd.com
To contact Medicare, visit www.medicare.gov/acos.html or call 1-800 MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). TTY users, call 1-877-486-2048.