Transplant Guidelines

Guidelines for potential kidney and pancreas transplant patients

At the Methodist Dallas Transplant Institute, we want to do all we can to make sure kidney transplant, kidney-pancreas transplants, or pancreas transplants are performed only when they are the best treatment option for a given patient. The following strict guidelines for transplant patients help us stay true to this philosophy.

Kidney Transplant Guidelines

  • Patients must have a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease.
    However, people do not have to be on dialysis to be eligible for a kidney transplant. In fact, it is wise to begin thinking about kidney transplant when your doctor starts to talk about the future need for dialysis.
  • Kidney transplant candidates will have a test called a creatinine clearance or a Glofil test to measure kidney function. Most patients listed for transplant have a creatinine clearance of 20cc or less.
  • Generally, people from their teens to late 60s are eligible for kidney transplants.
  • Each potential kidney transplant patient is considered on an individual basis.

Pancreas Transplant or Pancreas-After-Kidney Transplant Guidelines

  • People under the age of 50 with type 1 or type 2 diabetes with no obesity or cardiovascular disease and who also meet the guidelines above can be considered for a kidney-pancreas transplant or pancreas transplant.
  • For a pancreas-after-kidney transplant, the kidney must be functioning at a level of 60 percent or greater and be stable for longer than one year.

Some conditions may rule out a kidney transplant, kidney-pancreas transplant, or pancreas transplant at the Methodist Dallas Transplant Institute. Talk to your physician to learn more.

Medical Evaluation

Transplant candidates who meet the guidelines above still need medical screening tests to help rule out medical conditions and problems that could cause complications after the organ transplant.