Q: What is Methodist Gives?
A: Methodist Gives is a program the Methodist Health System Foundation manages which allows
you, a Methodist Health System Employee, to do more for your fellow colleagues,
our patients, and for you.
Q: How can I join Methodist Gives?
A: Methodist Health System Foundation makes it easy for you to participate
in the Methodist Gives program. Below are the Employee Giving participation options.
30 Minute Club (30MC): When you sign up, you give 30 minutes of your paychecks (equivalent to
one hour per month) through an ongoing payroll deduction. Currently, there
are more than 1,000 Methodist employees who have joined the 30MC, making
it the most popular way to give!
H(OUR) Club (HC): When you sign up, you give one (1) hour from each of your paychecks (equivalent
to two hours per month) through an ongoing payroll deduction. This is
the newest Methodist Gives option and for those who want to go the extra mile!
One-Time Gift: A one-time gift can be given in any amount through payroll deduction or
by credit card.
Ongoing Payroll Deduction: By selecting the ongoing payroll deduction option, you have the opportunity
to give a fixed amount on an ongoing basis. This amount is then deducted
from each paycheck through an ongoing payroll deduction.
Q: What are the designation options for my gifts?
A: Your Methodist Gives contributions can go to one of the following designations:
Campus’ Greatest Need: Each campus president and leadership team chooses a project, piece of
equipment, or initiative that benefits that campus and its employees.
- *See Campus Greatest Need question below for your current Campus’
Greatest Need.*
Basic Employee Needs (BEN) Fund: The BEN Fund provides one-time grants to employees going through financial
hardship. This short-term financial assistance can be the step up a colleague
needs to get back on their feet. Examples of approved BEN Fund grants
include past due rent, mortgage, car or utility payment, childcare or
funeral expenses. To access the application, please visit Methodist Pulse
and search “BEN Fund”.
Methodist Health System Foundation General Fund: When you give directly to the Methodist Foundation’s General Fund
you are supporting the programs, services, equipment, and capital campaigns
the Foundation fundraises for.
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas: This option allows you to support the many initiatives and programs for
underserved communities. *Please note: a separate form is required for
this designation.*
Q: What’s my Campus’ Current Greatest Need?
A: The Campus’ Greatest Need is determined once a year by your campus
presidents before the Employee Giving Campaign. Sometimes, it might be
the same project from the prior year, but with a new phase. This 2023’s
projects are the following:
Methodist Charlton Medical Center: Outdoor Picnic Area
Methodist Dallas Medical Center: Phase II Renovation of the Schenkel Tower Courtyard
Methodist Mansfield Medical Center: Fitness Center
Methodist Midlothian Medical Center: Patio Pavilion Cover
Methodist Southlake Medical Center: Enhancing the 2nd floor patio for employees
*Methodist Richardson Medical Center has a separate Foundation, which also has a special projects fund. When
you sign up for Methodist Gives, you can opt in to either Foundation.
Q: What is Methodist Gives Employee Giving Campaign?
A: The Methodist Give Employee Giving Campaign is a week-long participation
event which allows you to give back to your hospital, your colleagues
and patients. Typically held in the summer, the Foundation will join each
campus during the lunch rush with fun swag, to enter employees in for
some sweet prizes and answer questions about the Methodist Gives program.
Remember the campaign is all about participation!
Q: Are there any incentives for giving during the Methodist Gives Employee
Giving Campaign?
A: Yes! All gifts, big or small, make an impact and that’s something
to be proud of. By joining the 30MC or H(OUR) club or by making a one-time
or ongoing gift, you’re automatically entered to win fun prizes
just for participating. The 2022 prizes included an iPad mini (with case)
and a Bose Soundlink Revolve + II. The campus with the highest percentage
of participation wins an ice cream party!
No matter your role, your dedication through Methodist Gives shows your
commitment to Methodist Health System and sends a powerful message not
just to your fellow colleagues, but also to its surrounding communities.
Together, our impact is GREATER!
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
-Winston Churchill