It’s that easy to make your online contribution today! Whether you choose to make a one-time donation, give through an ongoing payroll deduction, or join the 30 Minute Club or H(our) Club, you can smile knowing your gift will be helping serve our patients, employees, and community.
There are several ways to give to the Methodist Health System Foundation and Methodist Richardson Medical Centre Foundation through employee giving.
What will your contribution support? Choose from the following:
Campus’ Greatest Need - each campus president determines the use of this fund, which can be used for employee focused projects, equipment, programing or capital projects.
MHS Foundation Basic Employee Needs (BEN) Fund - provides grants to MHS employees in financial hardship.
MHS Foundation General Fund - supports programs, services, equipment, and capital projects at Methodist hospitals.
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas - which supports many non-profits and programs for underserved communities.
If you have any additional questions or would like to learn more, please contact Nicole Zrake at NicoleZrake@mhd.com. For Methodist Richardson, please contact Scott Price at ScottPrice@mhd.com.