Prashant S. Kedia, MD
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About Prashant S. Kedia, MD
Prashant Kedia, MD, Director of Interventional Endoscopy, is performs ERCP, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM), and bariatric endoscopy. He has a passion for treating achalasia, Zenker’s diverticulum, large polyps, early GI neoplasms, and pancreaticobiliary disorders. Dr. Kedia has published numerous manuscripts on these topics and is very committed to teaching and engaging in clinical research.
Insurances Accepted:
- Aetna Medicare AETMCR
- Aetna Medicare HMO AET/M
- Aetna Medicare PPO AETMP
- Aetna US Health Care POS AET/S
- Aetna US Healthcare HMO AET/H
- Aetna US Healthcare/PPO AET/P
- Beech St PPO BST
- Cigna healthsprings ( medicare advantage) CIGHTH
- Cigna/HMO CIG/H
- Cigna/POS CIG/S
- Cigna/PPO CIG/P
- Community Care Network CCN
- Coventry Healthcare COV
- First Health PPO FIR/P
- Galaxy Health Network PPO GHNMC
- Health Smart PPO HS/PP
- Health Smart- EPO HSEPO
- HealthSmart GEPO HLTHS
- HealthSmart POS HSMAR
- Healthspring Medicare HEASP
- Medicare MCARE
- Multiplan PPO MULTI
- Pacificare Commercial HMO PAC/C
- Pacificare PPO PAC/P
- Private Healthcare Systems PPO PHCSP
- Savility SAV
- Secure Horizons SH
- Texan Plus Medicare Advantage Plan (Universal American) AJP00004
- TexanPlus Dual Eligible TXPDE
- Texas True Choice TX/TC
- United Healthcare UHC
- United Healthcare EPO UNI/E
- United Healthcare HMO UNI/H
- United Healthcare POS UNI/S
- United Healthcare PPO UNIP
- United Healthcare PPO UNIP
Insurance plans may change. Please confirm your plan is accepted when scheduling your appointment.
- Medical School
University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine Chicago, IL
- Residency
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA
- Fellowship
Weill Cornell Medical Center New York, NY