Milka Ndungu, NP,DNP
- Position: Nurse Practitioner Hepatology and Clinical Operations Manager
- Languages Spoken: English
- Gender: Female
About Milka Ndungu, NP,DNP
Milka Ndungu is a Clinic Nurse Pracitioner
"I find the latest advancements in the hepatitis community fascinating. I look forward to seeing my patients and witnessing their positive health changes."
Insurances Accepted:
- AARP Medicare Complete AARMC
- Aetna Medicare HMO AET/M
- Aetna Medicare PPO AETMP
- Aetna Quality Health (QHP) AETQP
- Aetna US Healthcare HMO AET/H
- Aetna US Healthcare/PPO AET/P
- Amerigroup Medicare Advantage AMGMA
- Amerigroup Star + Plus AGRPSTPL
- Amerigroup Star Medicaid AMGPSTM
- BCBS of Texas HMO BC/TH
- Blue Advantage HMO BLADV
- Health Smart PPO HS/PP
- HealthSmart GEPO HLTHS
- Humana ChoiceCare Medicare Choice PPO HUM-M
- Humana Gold Plus HMO HUM/G
- Humana Preferred PPO HUMPO
- Med Health BCBS Med/BCBS
- Multiplan PPO MULTI
- Savility SAV
- Superior Healthplan Star Plus SUPHSP
- Superior Medicaid Insurance SUHP
- Superior Medicare Advantage HMO SUHA
- Texan Plus Medicare Advantage Plan (Universal American) AJP00004
- TexanPlus Dual Eligible TXPDE
- Texas Health Aetna TX/Aet
- Tricare TRI
- United Healthcare PPO UNIP
- United Healthcare PPO UNIP
Insurance plans may change. Please confirm your plan is accepted when scheduling your appointment.