Gregg A. Shalan, MD
- Primary Specialty: Neurocritical Care (Board Certified)
- Additional Specialties: Neurology (Board Certified), Teleneurology
- Gender: Male
Insurances Accepted:
- Accountable Health Plans of America ACCP
- Aetna Medicaid AMEDC
- Aetna Medicare HMO AET/M
- Aetna US Health Care POS AET/S
- Aetna US Healthcare EPO AET/E
- Aetna US Healthcare HMO AET/H
- Aetna US Healthcare/PPO AET/P
- Amer. Assn. of Retired Persons AARP
- American Express AE
- Beech Street BEECH
- Blue Choice Plus BC+
- BlueCross/BlueShield HMO BLUEH
- BlueCross/BlueShield POS BC
- Cigna EPO CIG/E
- Cigna/POS CIG/S
- Cigna/PPO CIG/P
- Coventry Healthcare COV
- Discover DISC
- Employer Access / ER MMC EAERM
- Employer Access /ER CMH EAERC
- Government Employee Health GEHA
- Great West/ HMO or One Health Plan GW/H
- Great West/ PPO or One Health Plan GW/P
- Health Smart PPO HS/PP
- Health Smart Preferred Care HEASM
- Humana HUMA
- Humana Concentric Network HUMCN
- Humana Gold + Medicare Alternative HUMGP
- Humana Gold Plus HMO HUM/G
- Humana HMO HUM/H
- Humana Medicare HMO HUM/M
- Humana POS HUM/S
- Humana PPO(PHCS) HUM/P
- Insured Deductible not Met IDNM
- Mailhandlers PPO (First Health PPO) MAILH
- Medicare MCARE
- Medicare Complete/ Medicare Alternative MCARC
- Medicare HMO(Aetna) MCHMO
- Medicare/ Medicaid combined MC/MC
- MHD Employee Group Health Plan MHD
- Multiplan MUL
- Multiplan PPO MULTI
- North Texas Health Network EPO NTHNE
- North Texas Health Network HMO NTHNH
- North Texas Health Network POS NTHNS
- North Texas Health Network PPO NTHNP
Insurance plans may change. Please confirm your plan is accepted when scheduling your appointment.