Daniel D. Witheiler, MD
- Primary Specialty: Dermatology (Board Certified)
- Gender: Male
Insurances Accepted:
- Accordia National ACCOR
- Accountable Health Plans of America ACCP
- ADMAR Corporation ADMAR
- Admar or Med Network PPO ADM/P
- Aetna US Health Care POS AET/S
- Aetna US Healthcare EPO AET/E
- Aetna US Healthcare HMO AET/H
- Aetna US Healthcare/PPO AET/P
- Affordable PPO/First Healthcare AFF/P
- Affordable/HMO AFF/H
- Affordable/POS AFF/S
- AHI-HealthLink AHI
- American Express AE
- American General(PHCS) AG
- American Health Plans AHP
- American Heritage Life Ins. AMHLI
- Anthem Health Plan of TX/HMO ANT/H
- Anthem POS ANT/S
- Anthem/PPO ANT/P
- Associated Life ASSO
- Assurant Health ASSU
- Bankers Life and Casualty BANK
- BC/BS Federal Select BCBSF
- Beech St PPO BST
- Benefit Planners-Pref Hlth Arrangmt BNFTP
- Blue Choice Plus BC+
- Blue Link BLLNK
- BlueCross/BlueShield HMO BLUEH
- BlueCross/BlueShield POS BC
- BlueCross/BlueShield PPO BCBS
- Boone-Chapman BOON
- CCN Medical CCN/M
- Central States U F C W CENST
- Champus Extra PPO(Tricare) CHP/E
- Champus Standard Indemnity/Tricare CHP
- Choice Care(PHCS) CHCRE
- Choice One CHONE
- ChoiceCare Humana CCH
- Christian Fidelity CHRFI
- Cigna EPO CIG/E
- Cigna/HMO CIG/H
- Cigna/POS CIG/S
- Cigna/PPO CIG/P
- Connecticut Life Insurance CTLF
- Continental General Ins. CONGI
- Continental Life CONT
- Coresource CORES
- Cost Care/Formerly John Hancock CCI/P
Insurance plans may change. Please confirm your plan is accepted when scheduling your appointment.