Welcome to the Methodist Alliance for Patients and Physicians, or MAP2. We took our experienced and successful clinically-integrated network of physicians and decided to expand our reach. Our mission is to improve and save lives through coordinated care for our patients, making it easier for you to get the answers you need and the quality care you deserve.
Imagine being a new patient, showing up for the appointment, and not having to fill out paperwork or remember what medications you are currently taking. Imagine your new physician asking about the Emergency Room visit you had last month, and how the new medication is treating you. When you get home from surgery, a nurse gives you a call to make sure you were able to pick up your prescriptions and inquire about how you are genuinely feeling.
These are just the tipping points as to what coordinated care can do for you. MAP2 opens the door for improved quality through coordination of medical records between physicians, physical therapists, emergency rooms, and nurses.
Through the Methodist Alliance for Patients and Physicians, your medical history is shared with your team of healthcare providers. By allowing your cardiologist, gastroenterologist, family physician, and even orthopedic surgeon to view your records, they know immediately what medication you are taking and what your latest blood work results show. Not only do you save time by filling out less paperwork, but you save money by not having to go through the same diagnostic tests for four separate doctors.
MAP2 is the new operating name for the Methodist Patient-Centered Accountable Care Organization (MPCACO). MPCACO has been effective since 2012, and has achieved nationally recognized success in improving the quality of care given to patients. Experience the award-winning coordinated care of MAP2.
If you are a Medicare Patient, Methodist Employee, or your company is now offering the MAP2 program to its employees, learn more about how MAP2 can work for you!
MAP2 might be a new name, but we’re still the same program that wins awards in quality care and navigation services.